
The SearchEngine starts with one page and follows the links in that page to other pages and so on. In many cases the whole site is not reachable through one single page, for example are links from applets not detected. This will lead to that the whole site is not indexed. Therefore there is a program called SearchEngineHelper that searches a directory structure and produces one html file with links to all files in the structure. This file is a temporary file that can be deleted when the search database is created.

The program takes three parameters

  1. The path to the top directory of the structure to search.
  2. The name of the result file.
  3. The relative path to the pages searched. The path relative to the file specified in the previous parameter.

For a description of the system requirements needed to execute this application please see.

To execute the SearchEngineHelper as a Java application type:

java -classpath ../../ruptools/RUP.jar ruptools.SearchEngineHelper -d c:/www/rup/ -rf c:/www/toc.htm -t c:/www/ -c ASCII -h helpfile.txt

The parameters can be entered in any order.
-dThe start directory.
-rfThe result file.
-tThe part of the file path for each page that shall be removed to form a valid url.
-lThe file with language dependent messages Parameter is optional.
-cThe character set to use when reading input. Default is the local character set. Parameter is optional.
-hFile containing text to make the output from the application language dependent. Parameter is optional.

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